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Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Friday, 16 May 2014

Aerial Photography in UK by Jason Hawkes

Photographer Jason Hawkes has been making fascinating aerial images since 1991. With a gyro-stabilized camera, he takes photos directly from the open door of a helicopter.

An offshore wind farm standing in the North Sea off the coast of Kent.
An offshore wind farm standing in the North Sea off the coast of Kent.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Amazing Landscape Photography

Amazing and stunning landscape photography by photographer Tantandad Noppanun. More images after the break...

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Stunning Aerial Photography by Cameron Davidson

 Cameron Davidson has photographed around the world. His photos from аbоvе is something unique and the      results аrе spеctаculаr. 70 more images after the break...

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Back To Childhood --- Julien Mauve

Julien Mauve is a 28 years old parisian photographer, who works as a front-end developer, web designer and content manager. He says:

"A few months ago, I was hanging around in my grandparent's attic. What I found among other things was a box full of toys I used to play with as a child. Each of them reminded me of a particular moment of my childhood and I felt emotionally connected to them. 
Instead of storing them back into their box, I tried to imagine what they could look like in our adult world. Going further than their power to generate nostalgia, toys offer those who animate them a marvelous power to reinvent the world. "

Check out his incredible work...

    Back To Childhood  ---- 12 images after the break...

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Mind-bending Art

 Erik Johansson is a 25-year-old photographer and retouch artist from Gothenburg, Sweden. His bizarre and amazing photo manipulations have the capacity to suspend human disbelief and make the unreal effectively real. Johansson is now based in Norrköping. Check this out his creative work, simple mind blowing!!                      More images after the break...


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