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Showing posts with label Interestng. Show all posts

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Mud Volcanoes of Gobustan in Azerbaijan

Mud Volcanoes - Gobustan, Azerbaijan is home to more than any other mud volcanoes in the world. There are more than 300 mud volcanoes in Gobustan; more than half the mud volcanoes known to exist in the entire world. The rare formations draw geologists and tourists from around the world to see the spectacles, which can shoot flames more than 15 meters long and drop prodigious amounts of mud in the process. There are also those who seek the mud volcanoes of the Baku area for their medicinal properties. The Firuz Crater, Salyan, and Gobustan are all sought-after destinations for their healing qualities, where tourists plunge themselves into the mineral-laden mud.

Gobustan Mud Volcano, Azerbaijan
Image credit Claire à Taiwan

The Gobustan Petroglyphs at Gobustan National Park date to 10,000 BC and have been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a rare distinction bestowed only on sites deemed to possess "outstanding universal value" by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. First discovered in 1930, today the ancient cave drawings of Gobustan and its mud volcanoes draw visitors from across the globe to witness the rare mud volcano formations and ancient history which dwells in Gobustan, Azerbaijan. Gobustan is home to more than 300 mud volcanoes, more than half of the known mud volcanoes on the planet and more any other place in the world.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

10 Unusual Volcanic Craters

Craters of extinct and passive volcanoes are circular depressions in the ground caused by ancient volcanic activities. It is typically a basin, circular in form within which occurs a vent (or vents). Because of their inaction these craters are mostly suffered many changes caused by atmospheric and human factors. Unusual and beautiful volcanic cones, traces of human activity, lush vegetation and colorful crater lakes are the main reasons why many tourists visit these extraordinary destinations.

01. Diamond Head, Hawaii — USA
Photo — Link

Diamond Head is the name of a volcanic tuff cone on the Hawaiian island of O?ahu. Its name was given by British sailors in the 19th century, who mistook calcite crystals embedded in the rock for diamonds. This crater is a defining feature of the view known to residents and tourists of Waikiki alike.

Photo — Link

The volcanic tuff cone is a United States State Monument. While part of it serves as a platform for antennas used by the U.S. government and is closed to the public, the crater's proximity to Honolulu's resort hotels and beaches makes the rest of it a popular destination. 24 more images after the break...

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Coffee from an elephant's gut fills a $50 cup

 GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Thailand (AP) — In the lush hills of northern Thailand, a herd of 20 elephants is excreting some of the world's most expensive coffee.

Trumpeted as earthy in flavor and smooth on the palate, the exotic new brew is made from beans eaten by Thai elephants and plucked a day later from their dung. A gut reaction inside the elephant creates what its founder calls the coffee's unique taste. Stomach turning or oddly alluring, this is not just one of the world's most unusual specialty coffees. At $1,100 per kilogram ($500 per pound), it's also among the world's priciest. For now, only the wealthy or well-traveled have access to the cuppa, which is called Black Ivory Coffee. It was launched last month at a few luxury hotels in remote corners of the world — first in northern Thailand, then the Maldives and now Abu Dhabi — with the price tag of about $50 a serving. 05 more images after the break...

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Roof gardens in London — Jason Hawkes

Photographer Jason Hawkes, flying in a helicopter over London, filmed on the roofs of buildings which are divided small gardens. 07 more images after the break...

Monday, 26 November 2012

V8 Hotel for Car Fans

01. In total, the hotel offers 34 rooms.

In the German city of Stuttgart is one of the most unusual hotels in the world. Its interior uses a large number of cars. A culmination of this car is a disgrace bed, retro-styled car. 17 more images after the break...

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

60 Years Old Bodybuilder — Andreas Kahling

An excellent collection of photos of Swedish bodybuilder named Andreas Kahling, which contains the body just in perfect shape, despite the fact that he is already 60 years old!  His plans for the near future - the competition "Master Olympia 2012". 24 more images after the break...

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Interesting Historical Pictures

Charles Godfrey flies through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris on his plane «Nieuport 11", 7 August 1919.

A selection of exclusive historic photos that tell about a particular period in the development of our vast world, many of which are truly rare and were published only recently. 39 more images after the break... 

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Top 10 interesting bottle openers

                                                      More images after the break...

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

The Floating Jail

The Vernon C. Bain Center (VCBC) is an 800-bed jail barge used to hold inmates for New York City as part of the New York City Department of Corrections as part of the vast Rikers Island jail complex. Built in New Orleans for $161 million and brought to New York in 1992 to reduce overcrowding in the island's land-bound buildings for a lower price under a David Dinkins-led crime initiative, it is designed to handle inmates from medium- to maximum-security in 16 dormitories and 100 cells. Due to the facility being on the water, a minimum of three maritime crew is maintained under Coast Guard regulations. 07 more images after the break...

North American Wife Carrying Championship Event

Wife Carrying Championship (1)
Wife Carrying Championship (2)
More images after the break...

Sunday, 6 May 2012

25 Interesting Facts

                                         25 Interesting Facts - More images after the jump break...

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Precious Quotes about Women

                             "If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning."
~ Aristotle Onassis

                                                More quotes after the break...

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Pictures hard to believe

There are certain things which are hard to believe, lets check it out!
                                            Want some more stuff? More pictures after the break...

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Black and White Twins Turn Seven

It can usually be difficult to tell twins apart - but not this pair. These beautiful twins share the same cheeky smile but Kian Hodgson's skin is dark and she has black hair while her sister Remee is blonde with pale skin.

The twins, who were born within a minute of each other, owe their different appearances to a one in a million combination of their parents' genes. Their mum Kylee Hodgson and dad Remi Horder both have white mothers and black fathers. 03 more images after the break...

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

What Breed and Mustache Say About You

16 Circle Beard

What This Says About You: That you like the idea of having facial hair, but you’re not really willing to commit completely to the idea. You’re fairly middle of the road, probably pretty boring and there’s a good chance you at least dabble with the acoustic guitar.

Typical Quote: “Kurt Cobain was just so, like, you know, wounded. Say, why don’t you take off your shirt while we rap some more?”

Experimentation is a part of becoming a man. I mean haven’t you ever wondered what it would feel like to have those coarse wiry hairs dangling all over your lips or to have that ultimate symbol of manliness spread all over your face, keeping you warm during those cold, cold nights? Yes, growing a beard is a rite of passage for every man. Wait… what did you think I was talking about? But you should all know that whenever you decide to experiment with facial hair you are making a statement to the world, whether you realize it or not. And because we care about you and what you choose to spread all over your face, we here at Guyism have decided to give you all a helping hand on your road to manhood (Not that kind of hand. Not this time, anyway…) with this helpful guide, which explains what these 16 different types of facial hair say about you. 15 more after the break...

Google office in Switzerland

 So, in Zurich's central office is Google in Europe. It employs approximately 1,500 employees, of whom about 60 Russian-speaking. Khanty them as in other offices (eg, many people move from the Moscow office of Google), and straight. In Zurich, the local speak "Swiss" language (which is very similar to German), but Google still communicate in English. 16 more images after the break...


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